A careful craftsman...

...with deep expertise in B2B copywriting and editing currently employed as an agency content director. I specialize in researching, interviewing and writing on dense technical topics as well as narrative feature writing and editing.

Dan Scott, conductor of the orchestra - The Korte Company

Dan Scott is the sort of retiree whose resting state might be more active than men half his age.

He’s 66, but that’s just a number. The arbors, trellises and that custom platform supporting 19-foot-tall cherry tomato plants are a testament to a man who never really quit work.

Not your average backyard plot, but Dan’s not your average guy.

He spent 37 years at The Korte Company. For 36 of those years, he was a construction superintendent.

Some of the toughest, biggest builds we’ve ever delive

Case study: Unconventional treatment improves quality of constant tension bands

Improving the physical characteristics of metal components often requires fine-tuned treatments that bring them to the brink of destruction. It’s a quirk of metallurgy heat treaters contend with constantly.

Several years ago, a longtime customer asked us to investigate the thermal processing of constant tension bands it supplied to major American automotive manufacturers. Heat treating these parts was complex. Even the slightest out-of-spec conditions could result in failed quality tests.


Case study: metallurgists lead part failure investigation and resolution

Being an integral part of customers’ success means more than just regularly receiving parts and treating them according to spec.

Sometimes a customer approaches a heat treater in search of answers to a problem they can’t quite grasp.

In this case, a Chicago-area supplier of automotive components needed to know why parts it sent off for heat treating kept coming back cracked. They were spending too much time and resources on tests and throwing out too many failed parts.

Our customer produces

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